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FOXSports頭條 林書豪 JUST LIN, BABY! 2012.02.11

原文 http://www.foxsportsnorth.com/02/11/12/Lin-has-pointed-Knicks-in-new-direction-/landing_timberwolves.html?blockID=664712&feedID=5930

"It was an ugly one," Lin said. "It was a gutsy one. It was a road win. Everybody was tired, but that's the beauty of basketball. That's the beauty of our team, we never gave up."

D'Antoni said he has no clue if Lin is improving. For all he knows, the point guard has always been this good. He'd just never gotten the chance to show anyone.

總教練 D'Antoni:「這就是他為什麼被忽視的原因之一,除非他有機會表現否則你看不到他無形的天賦,你無法從練球時或著他一對一的時候發現。」
"That's one of the reasons why he gets overlooked, because you don't see the intangibles unless he plays," D'Antoni said. "You can't get it from a workout. You can't get it from one-on-one."

He may have always had the talent, but after spending much of his season seemingly on the verge of being cut, Lin said he could never have expected to do what he's done in the past week. He's gone from an unknown, undrafted player out of Harvard to the darling of the NBA, and a week hasn't been nearly enough time for him to negotiate such a radical change.

"I just feel like I'm still living a dream," Lin said. "I feel like I'm in a dream right now."

"You got to let off the guy a little bit," Chandler said. "He's playing incredible, and I think that's the reason why the expectations are starting to fly around."

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