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除了兩個助攻妙傳給中鋒 Chandler 的第一時間扣籃很漂亮之外,幾個面對 Deron Williams 的過人切入真是看得令人大呼過癮!(別忘了切全螢幕看高畫質才過癮~)
賽後訪問時林書豪說:「今天晚上的表現實在是太不真實了,老實說,我還沒有完全體會究竟是什麼感覺,就好像我還有點驚訝於發生的一切,但我正試著立刻去享受這樣的感覺。」"This night, it just hasn't really sunk in yet to be honest, it's like I'm still kind of in shock about everything that happened but I'm just trying to soak it all in right now."
明星大前鋒Amare Stoudemire說:「林書豪替補上場,點燃了攻擊的火花。他的表現實在太精彩了。」"Jeremy came out and gave us a great spark off the bench, and that was phenomenal for us tonight."
籃網隊總教練Avery Johnson說:「當你告訴我 Carmelo 15投只有3中,Amare又陷入犯規麻煩,那我覺得勝利已經到手了,但有那麼一個傢伙從板凳殺出砍下25分,那真是讓人十分訝異。」"If you would have told me Melo would go 3 for 15 and Amare would get in foul trouble, I'd think, 'Man, we'd win by double figures,' but when you have a guy coming off your bench like that and getting 25 points, it's pretty deflating."
尼克隊總教練D'Antoni說:「他給我們很棒的感覺,我有我的疑慮,但我們就先保持這樣,因為他也確實有我們需要的特質。」"He gives us a good feel, I had my doubts, but we just stayed with it and he has some of the qualities that we needed."
本場攻守文字轉播 http://nba.pixnet.net/gameline/competedetail/2012-02-05/Nets/Knicks/livetext
延伸閱讀:[專欄] 林書豪的NBA之路 http://channel.pixnet.net/sport/carticle/basketball/HardER/35469121
賽後訪問的女記者好漂亮 XD 差點搶了林書豪的風采 哈哈哈哈哈哈
是尼克隊的總教練吧= = D'Antoni
真是搞笑了 怎麼一不小心就打成了他之前待的太陽隊 謝謝指正 :D