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[一般組預賽] 聯合氣勢強壓明道 五局提前結束比賽
2011/11/24 00:00中華民國大專院校100學年度棒球聯賽一般組第三區預賽,今(23)日在太平球場開打,第一場賽是由明道大學對戰聯合大學,賽前對於比賽把握度,聯合大學預測是五五波,但比賽終了卻以18:2輕鬆勝出。 瀏覽次數:766 (more)
(!) Can't read content
1970/01/01 08:00We're sorry, content cannot be read. If you are the feed creator, something went wrong while the Dapp ran. To see what happened, please go to the Dapp's page on dapper.net, or Contact Dapper support specifying the Dapp name If you are a ... (more)